Thursday, May 14

2 more days

I'm moving soon.


Along with some friends who will be helping with the transition, anxiety seems to want to be my new (unwelcome) best friend. Please pray for me. I've been having some anxiety that is making for a unfocused day at work, a hard time breathing, and a desire to sleep everything away.

Matt and I know this is the right decision...but it's also hard, so please pray.



thekraken said...

you know it. call me whenever you need to! I wish I could be there to help.

Alicia said...

Hi Jess, my prayers are with you. Anxiety is a nasty little thing, but we all go through it at some point. Take your B vitamins, eat bananas, take good care of yourself. We all have to make hard choices in life, but you will always bloom where you're planted. Naden is working out of town right now, although Sandpoint is much closer to me than Alaska is to you...When I got married, it was because I enjoy being with him, not being apart. I don't like being on my own taking care of everything, but it does make me appreciate him much more when he comes home. :) If there is anything I can offer, just let me know. You are in my prayers.